Ohio Considers Expanding Methadone Treatment

With individuals addicted to heroin waiting up to two-years for methadone treatment, Ohio officials are considering expanding the treatment system, the Associated Press reported Aug. 23.

In Columbus, a two-year waiting list has led some heroin addicted individuals to purchase methadone on the street for $50. The clinic dispenses the drug for $8 a day. "We're uncomfortable with these super-long waiting lists we're hearing about," said Stacey Frohnapfel Hasson, spokeswoman for the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services.

Hasson said a report from teams sent to the state's nine methadone clinics would be completed by Sept. 3. Based on the findings, a decision on whether to expand would be made by Gary Tester, director of the agency.

Source: www.jointogether.org

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